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06-04-2010 WPHU Princess Pro Series is launched

Dear Western Province Hockey Union

Congratulations on your new initiative, the PRINCESS PRO SERIES! This is exactly what our province and country needs to raise the level of hockey, and its profile. Players who are based in Western Province area are fortunate to have people willing to try new ideas such as this one.

The first year or even the first two could be difficult, and small details may need to be ironed out but I am sure after that we will see this event grow into something spectacular.

Despite being unable to attend this event myself, I?m excited as men?s national captain about its potential. The chance to play top level games more frequently is hugely beneficial for players, and something South Africa needs to address if we are to break into the top 10 in the world. Congratulations and thanks to the sponsors for making this idea a reality.

The scheme to develop coaches and umpires is also key to this event being a success. We are all aware of how few coaches and umpires we have in South Africa. This will be a great platform for the next generation of top level coaches, umpires and technical staff in which to excel.

It is now up to the rest of the province to show their support for the Princess Pro Series. Players, take this opportunity that you have been given and give it your best. Club members and spectators give the selected players the support that they deserve.

I wish all of you at WPHU the very best and congratulate you once again for your fantastic initiative!

All the very best,

Austin Smith
SA Men?s Captain

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